Who Says So?

I say so. You say so. Every one else…not so much.

Ideally that would be a pretty great world to live in. Not the case though. Everyone has something to say in regards to how you are living your life, and what they think is best. Or the unsolicited advice that is shared most times out of genuine love. My challenge today is not to the individuals with the something to be said. I fall into that category often times myself.

I am challenging the author of your voice; you! Sometimes we may get overwhelmed with our mental tennis game, of what they just said and what we really wish to say back. Or play the scenario out in our heads post interaction of the way it should have went. The only thing that does is consume time and thoughts.


I dare you to actually listen. Not to what they are saying, but to your inner thoughts speaking what you believe about yourself. If your inner thoughts aren’t beating down their voice that is contrary to what you believe about yourself or inspiring, encouraging and uplifting. You have work to do.

Give it shot…just listen. I say so.

*image provided by google*

Just Do It!

I do not work for Nike in any capacity, I’m just a subscriber to their slogan this past year. In the last 10 months I quit my day job twice, from the same company, exactly six months apart. First time was in February and for a great reason, I moved to Paris. Just recently I quit for another good reason. My life is too short to spend a great deal of my week working a ‘decent’ job where I have reached my maximum potential. Although I am preparing to launch out on my own fulltime, I need more from a ‘day job’ then just a paycheck in return. In the last two years I’ve worked for a great company, but I maxed out. I received two promotions within my first three months, accommodated when an unfortunate situation caused me to forfeit my position, had a position created for me, and celebrated for me chasing my dream to move to France by my HR and staff with great pastries and wine. That’s not all, and no I’m not bragging. It’s my truth. Upon my sudden return home back to the states, another position was designed for me when I was not willing to accept what they wanted me to do. The only paperwork I had to take care of was verifying my direct deposit information had stayed the same. I share all of that out of humility believe it or not. I know that isn’t the average experience of someone being fairly new at a company. I had a good job with a company who saw my value. That does not mean that I stay stagnate and settle when I know I can spend my time being filled, encouraged and motivated during those same hours that was spent becoming so comfortable. I was bored.

Last week I worked my last day at a good company that other people may have felt indebted to. Yes I am currently unemployed as I type this, however that doesn’t mean I am not working. Ha! If anything it’s the opposite. I told you guys a personal goal of my own was to strengthen my work ethic for my own personal business. That is exactly what I am doing during my in between time while I can.

False. Evidence. Appearing. Real…is solely responsible for why we don’t just do it! Whatever our it is! Life is for the living and it is a short ride. However we can make the most of the journey by not existing by default. Your ‘It’, may have nothing to do with leaving your day job where you are comfortable so you can be challenged elsewhere. Your ‘it’ may be as simple as trying a different food, asking her/him out on a date, taking a dance class, picking up the phone to say your sorry. Telling someone no without an explanation. Everyone’s ‘it’ is different. Turn your own, into empowerment by doing it! Don’t delay, you can’t take advantage of a day you don’t have.


What is your it? Or have you done your it so well, you can teach me a thing or two? Share with me.